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Entering a Donor in akoyaGO 



This Knowledge Article will walk you through entering a Donor or Prospective Donor in akoyaGO. Donors & Prospects are individuals, households or organizations who have given or may give to the foundation. Individual/Household donors must be linked to at least one Contact record, and Organization donors must be linked to a Constituent record.
Donor & Prospect records track data related to giving or potential giving. Every gift entered in akoyaGO will be linked to a Donor record.
An individual contact may be linked to multiple Donor records in akoyaGO. For example, Mary Smith may send monthly gifts from the Smith Family. She also may raise funds through her Women's Giving Circle or donate by herself. In this example, Mary Smith's contact record could be linked to two Donor records - one for the Smith Family and another for Mary Smith.
Because Donor records can be set up for couples or families, this gives us an opportunity to choose how we would like to address the Donor in Thank You Letters and Acknowledgements. We will discuss this in this Knowledge Article, specifically when we cover the Formal Acknowledgement of a Donor.

  Confirm if Donor and Related Contact(s) or Constituent Exist in akoyaGO

The first step when entering a Donor in akoyaGO is to complete a Dataverse search so you understand what type of record(s) you will need to add. If you are entering an individual/household donor, you specifically checking if there are Contact record(s) and a Donor record. If you are entering an organization donor, you are specifically checking for a Constituent record and a Donor record.

1. Search for the name of the donor using the Dataverse search at the top of akoyaGO.


2. Confirm if there is an existing Donor record.

3. Confirm if there is an existing Contact record for the individual(s) who will be linked to this Donor record (household/individual) or if there is an existing Constituent record for the organization that will be linked to this Donor record (organization).


  Create New Donor Record

1. After you have confirmed the Donor record does not exist, open the Donors & Prospects table from the Donor Management area of akoyaGO.


2. Choose +New from the top toolbar.


3. This will open a new blank Donors & Prospects form. We will begin by entering all Required fields and click Save.

akoyaGO out of the box Required Fields on the Donors & Prospects table include: 

  • Formal Default - Enter the standard acknowledgement for this Donor. For example, Mrs. Mary Smith, The Smith Family, or Mr. and Mrs. Smith. For couples and families, akoyaGO strongly encourages foundations to set internal standards for consistent data entry (for example, will couples be entered Mr. and Mrs. or Mr. & Mrs.?
  • Donor Type - Choose Individual/Household or Organization. Please note your choice here will affect what type of related record (Contact vs Constituent) is required for this Donor. If you choose Individual/Household, you will be required to list a Primary Contact. If you choose Organization,  you will be required to list a Donor Constituent AND a Primary Contact. 

Based on the Donor Type you have chosen, search for your related Contact or Constituent record. If the Contact/Constituent does not already exist, you will need to enter that additional record as well. 

Once you have filled in the Required Fields, click save to create the new Donor record.

Other fields on the Donors & Prospects table that you can enter include: 

  • Anonymous Yes or No: If this donor ALWAYS wants to remain anonymous, you can switch this field to YES. This will cause the Formal Default on future gifts entered for this Donor to default to Anonymous. Please note you also have the opportunity to change anonymity at the gift level.

  • Secondary Contact: If you would like to link a second contact to this Donor record, you can do this here. 

  • Donor Address to Use: This information is being displayed from the related Contact or Constituent record. If you need to update this information, you will do some from the related Contact or Constituent. 

  • Strategy FieldsThe fields in this section relate to cultivation at a high level. However, you can also track Donor Cultivation at a much more detailed level by using Donor Opportunities. More information on Donor Opportunities is found here: Donor Opportunities Knowledge Article.

  • Temperature: Choice field with options of Hot, Warm, Cold, or Unknown.

  • Aim: Enter a dollar amount to track the next planned "ask" from this Donor. 

  • Source: Free text field where you can enter data regarding how this Donor was initially connected to the foundation. Some examples of what might be entered in this field would be "Annual Gala" or "Reference from XYZ"


 The remaining tabs on the Donor form will show you records this Donor is related to as they establish history with the foundation. 

  • Gifts will show you any gifts this donor is linked to, along with Annual Giving and Historic totals to give you a quick look at your history with this donor.

  • Details will show you funds, interests, and connections linked to this donor. 

  • Donor Opportunities will show you past and present Donor Opportunities (used to track stewardships of a donor for a specific purpose - I.E. giving a gift, starting a fund, volunteering, a bequest, etc. Please note you can have multiple opportunities open on a donor at the same time (trying to get them to donate but also join a committee.)

  • Internal Information includes fields related to managing this Donor record, such as when the record was created, last modified, etc.