



Fund Statements (Business Central)


For akoyaGO with accounting clients, Fund Statements can be run in Business Central.

Fund Statement Format


Before you run your fund statements, ensure that your fund statement format(s) fits your organization’s needs. See the Fund Statement Format article for full instructions.


Run the Fund Statement


Drop down the Reports header and choose Fund Statement.






The Fund Statement dialog box will open and you will have options to tailor your report. Let’s take a closer look at some of your options.


Note: the dialog box cannot alter the Fund Statement Format.


Use default values from


If “Last used options and filters” is selected, the report dialog will open on subsequent runs filled in with the options and filters you used in the previous run.


Fund Group Id


If you are running this fund statement by group, select it here. Fund Groups must be set in the akoyaGO CRM. See the Fund Groups article for more information. If the statement is run by a fund group, the Fund Filters section of the report dialog box will disappear as those settings are irrelevant.


Fund Statement Format


Select the format if you have multiple.


Start and End dates


Select the date parameters for the report.


Compare To


If you select an option in this filter, your fund statement will have an additional column on the far right side comparing the data pulled using the date parameters to the dates selected in the Compare To field. YTD = Year to date.


  1. Prior YTD = comparison column will display all g/l entries of the year prior to the year specified in the report end to up to the date specified in the report end date. For example, if report dates are 1/1/2023 – 6/1/2023, comparison will be 1/1/2022 – 6/1/2022.
  2. Prior Year = comparison column will display the full year prior to the year specified in the report end date.
  3. Prior Quarter = comparison column will display the quarter prior to the end date specified in the report end date.
  4. Prior Month = comparison column will display the month prior to the month specified in the report end date.
  5. Prior Fiscal YTD = comparison column will display all g/l entries of the fiscal year prior to the year specified in the end date. For example, if the fiscal year starts Feb. 1 and report date filter is 1/1/2023 - 6/30/2023, the comparison will be 2/1/2022 - 6/30/2022.
  6. Prior Fiscal Year = comparison column will display all g/l entries for the full fiscal year prior to the year specified in the end date.
  7. Current YTD = comparison column will display all g/l entries for the full calendar year of the selected end date.
  8. Current Fiscal YTD = comparison column will display all g/l entries from the fiscal year of the end date to the end date specified. For example, if Fiscal Year starts on Feb. 1, and Report date filter is 1/1/2023 - 6/30/2023, the comparison will be 2/1/2023 - 6/30/2023.


Skip funds without activity


If on, funds without activity in the date period specified will not show in the report. If off, all funds, regardless of activity will show in the report.


Exclude Blocked Funds


“Blocked” in Business Central = Inactive in CRM. By turning this toggle On, your fund statement will exclude any funds that are inactive in CRM at the time of running the report, regardless of whether or not the funds were inactive during the date range selected.


Fund Class, Fund Type, Fund Endowed, Fund Filter


You can choose to filter the report by class, type, whether the fund is endowed or not, or you can choose a specific fund or funds to run the report on.




If on, all funds will be listed per section of the report. If off, each fund will get a start a new page of the report where it will show each section of the report for each fund individually.


One Per Statement Recipient


When on, the system will print one copy per statement recipient set in akoyaGO. The Fund Statement Recipients are defined in akoyaGO CRM. The Consolidated option cannot be used with this.


Fund Statement


Let’s take a tour of your fund statement.




The fund statement header is structured as follows:


[Picture from Company Information]


[Summary of Fund Activity]

[Name of fund or fund group]


[Fund Statement: Date range]



[Primary fund donor if not by fund group and not consolidated]


The fund statement header will look something like this:





Columns and Lines


The columns and lines of your fund statement are determined in the fund statement format. For instructions on building columns/lines, see the Fund Statement Format article.


When a Compare To option is chosen, an additional column will be added to the far right of the report. All other columns will auto adjust.






The footer is set in the Fund Statement Format and can be found on the last page of the report. The footer will be bolded and will directly follow the last line of the statement. It may look something like this:

