







A table called Foundation Matching Gifts was implemented as part of the March 2023 release. Because each foundation's matching policy differs, there are set-up steps that a System Customizer user needs to complete you are ready to use the Foundation Matching Gifts feature. This includes customizing the Gift Payments that Qualify for Foundation Matching System View (accessed through the Gift Payments table) and customizing the on-demand CRM Process Workflow Create Foundation Matching Gift & Interfund Grant.  Detailed instructions can be found on the Foundation Matching Gifts Set Up Knowledge Article. If you need help customizing this System View or CRM Process Workflow, please submit a support case. 


Please note this Knowledge Article is specifically walking you through the Foundation Matching Gift process, which is different from the Third-Party Matching Gifts fields that are found on the Gift form. 


Third-Party Matching Gifts refer to gifts that are given that are matched by another donor (such as an employer). You can link these two gift records together using the Third Party Matching Gifts field on the Gift form. 

Foundation Matching Gifts refer to gifts that are matched by the foundation, typically because they meet certain criteria set by the foundation. You can create a matching Gift and Interfund record for these gifts using a CRM Process Workflow. The steps for this are detailed below.

Run the Workflow to Create the Foundation Matching Gift


Once the view and workflow are customized to fit your matching policy, you are ready to begin creating matching gift records. Since you have added the criteria specific to your foundation's matching policy to the Gift Payments the Qualify for Foundation Matching System View, you can use this view to manage the gift payments for which you should run the workflow.


You can run the workflow in bulk directly from the view, or individually from a gift payment record.


Whether you are working from a view or directly from a gift payment record, click Flows from the top navigation bar and choose Create Foundation Matching Gift & Interfund Grant.




For each gift payment selected, a foundation matching gift record and an interfund will be created with the information you have set in the CRM Process Workflow.


Foundation matching gift and grant records can be found on the Foundation Matching tab on the Fund record, or from the Foundation Matching table accessed from the left-hand side navigation bar in the Fund Management area.




Open a Foundation Matching Gift record and you will find the matched gift payment, the corresponding interfund payment, and the interfund gift and grant funds (as determined in the create workflow).




Process the Interfund


To complete this process, simply process the interfund and send to accounting. Click on the interfund record from the Foundation Matching Gift record and work through the business process flow at the top of the page




The Gift Formal Acknowledgement that appears on fund statements will say “Foundation Matching Gift”.



Viewing Foundation Matching Information

You will see calculated fields on the top of Foundation Matching tab on the fund record. This includes totals such as Foundation Matching Grants This Year, Foundation Matching Gifts This Year, Total Foundation Matching Grants, and Total Foundation Matching Gifts.