Foundation Matching Gifts
Each foundation that matches gifts will have a different policy for which gifts get matched and for how much. You’ll need to alter the view called “Gift Payments that Qualify for Foundation Matching” to fit your organization’s matching policy.
This view only displays Gift Payments which have not been matched yet, once the Payment is matched, it will be removed from the view. You are encouraged to adjust the Filters to encompass specific date ranges, funds, or any supplementary data as per your foundation's matching guidelines.
If you have multiple Foundation Matching Opportunities occurring at once, you can create multiple views which display Qualifying Gift Payments for each Opportunity based on the filters for each match opportunity.
Creating a View
1. In Gift Payments, click on dropdown carrot and click "Gift Payments that Qualify for Foundation Matching".
2. Click on Edit filters and edit filters to match your foundation's needs for your Matching Opportunity. Examples of filters may include a date range of the match event or specific funds eligible for the gift match.
3. Click on Apply to finalize review changes.
Process: 'Create Foundation Matching Gift'
An on-demand workflow exists within PowerApps to create foundation matching gift records. Since each foundation’s matching policy is different, each foundation will need to alter the workflow to accommodate things like the matching gift fund and the matching amount ratio. If you need help with this, or with altering the view mentioned above, please contact our Support team for assistance.
Associate a Fund to the Process 'Create Foundation Matching Gift Record'
1. Once you've confirmed you're working in the correct environment, click on Solutions.
2. Click on Default Solution.
3. Click on or search for Processes.
4. Type "Create Foundation" in the upper right search bar to search for the correct process.
5. Click on Create Foundation Matching Gift & Interfund Grant.
For each Foundation Matching Opportunity, you will need to assign the Fund which will contribute to matching the incoming Gift Payments. The default matching for this Process is 1:1.
6. Click on Deactivate to be able to edit the Process.
7. Click on Deactivate.
8. On the process step 'Create Foundation Matching Gift Record', click on Set Properties.
9. Click on Interfund Grant Fund.
10. Select the associated Fund for the matching opportunity.
11. Click on Save and Close.
12. Click on Activate.
13. Click on Activate.
Designate a Matching Amount to the process 'Create Foundation Matching Gift Record'
As a default, the process will match Fund: Gfit Payment on a 1:1 match. However, you are able to change the match percent as needed although it is not required.
1. Click on Add Step.
2. Click on Update Record.
3. Type "Update Gift Matching Amount" or edit an existing 'Update Gift Matching Amount' step. Select Set Properties.
4. Click on Set Properties for the newly created or existing Create a Foundation Matching Gift Record. Each time the match amount changes for eligible gifts, the following steps must be completed.
5. Click on Matching Amount.
6. Select Multiply by.
7. Type in the value that your foundation is matching by in the Default Value field.
8. Click on OK.
9. Click on Save and Close.
10. Click on Activate.
11. Click on Activate.
Important: Waiting on this screen after pressing Activate is a good practice. Without any other popup notifications that the process was successfully activated, wait for the Activate button you recently selected to switch over to the Deactive. Please contact Support if you need assistance with the above processes or encounter any errors when you Activate this process.