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Release Notes: September 12, 2024


akoyaGO release notes give all users information about bug fixes and enhancements in the current release. This document describes all changes as of 09/12/2024. Documentation will be updated or created to reflect these changes. If you have questions, please contact your account manager or akoyaGO Support. Please be aware that you may need to refresh your browser, clear your browser cache, or log out/log back in to see the following changes. 



  • Enhancements
    • Two new security roles have been added:
      1. akoyaGO Read Only access: This role gives read-only access to the akoyaGO app and all of its data.
      2. akoyaGO with Accounting Read Only access: This role gives read-only access to the akoyaGO with Accounting app and all of its data.
    • We have added Est. Grant Pay Date to the Request Payment Quick Create form.
    • We have changed the logic when creating a Requirement from an existing request so that the Payee value clears if the Type is Requirement.
    • The view Active Events now sorts newer to older by Event Start Date. 


akoyaGO with Accounting 

  • Bug Fixes
    • Grants Management
      • We have fixed a bug in which Grant Memo and Gift Formal Acknowledgement from Interfund Grants were not appearing correctly on fund statements.
    • Donor Management
      • We have fixed a bug in which users were receiving a script error when trying to split a gift between five or more funds.
  • Enhancements
    • General (affects all workspaces)
      • Two new security roles have been added:
        1. akoyaGO Read Only access: This role gives read-only access to the akoyaGO app and all of its data.
        2. akoyaGO with Account Read Only access: This role gives read-only access to the akoyaGO with Accounting app and all of its data.
      • GOverify: We have added a field to the GOverify tab of Constituent called GOverify Exempt Notes that is only visible when GOverify Exempt = Yes.
      • We have added an Interests tab to Constituent where you can add Interests or see Interests related to that Constituent.
      • Merging Constituents/Contacts in akoyaGO CRM will now also merge the records in Business Central given the record has a corresponding BC customer or vendor record.


  • Grants Management
    • We have added Est. Grant Pay Date to the Request Payment Quick Create form.
    • We have changed the logic when creating a Requirement from an existing request so that the Payee value clears if the Type is Requirement.
    • Enhancements to Interfunds:
      • The Interfund form has been enhanced to show the Grant Fund Detail, Gift Fund Detail, and the Fund and Account names for the grant and gift fund where previously it was just the fund and account numbers.
      • Interfunds now include Grant Recommender in the first stage of the business process flow.
  • Donor Management 
    • The view Active Events now sorts newer to older by Event Start Date. 
    • Donor Opportunities now has a one-to-many relationship with Gifts and Funds. Meaning, that a Donor Opportunity can be connected to multiple funds and/or gifts. Please see the knowledge article for Donor Opportunities for more information.
    • On newly created Organization Donors, the Address to Use field will now default to Constituent and will populate the Donor address with the address in the Donor Constituent. This field can still be changed to Contact if desired.
    • We have changed the recurring gift process template so that it creates a gift payment as well as a gift record.
  • Fund Management
    • Scheduled Distributions now include a Donor lookup field in the case that the scheduled distribution is an interfund. The Process Scheduled Distribution workflow will also now map the Donor field to the Interfund record, where Donor is required.


Business Central

  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the alternate spendable fund was not debiting the original fund during the spendable allotment process. The alternate fund was receiving both the debit and the credit. This was only happening in the cases where a fund has a designated alternate spendable fund.
    • We have fixed a bug in which, when users would click Cancel when asked to confirm Undo Posting in Posted Bank Deposits, the items were put back in undeposited funds anyway. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which, when running the Trial Balance report for a single fund, the result was a consolidated trial balance. 
  • Enhancements
    • Several areas of the Business Central user interface have been enhanced. You can read about them all in the Business Central User Interface Changes knowledge article.
    • Merging Constituents/Contacts in akoyaGO CRM will now also merge the records in Business Central.
    • Voiding Request Payments from the Check Ledger will now be written back to CRM. Meaning, if you void a check from the Check Ledger, it will write back to the payment status field of the corresponding request payment record(s) and change the payment status(es) to Received and Payment Date, Payment Account and Check # will be cleared.
    • We have enhanced standard reports to display the Fund class/department/type in the header of the report.
    • Autobalance will no longer fail if a fund is deactivated. This typically affects funds that are retired and immediately marked as Inactive before the final autobalance process can be completed.



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the GOapply Bulk Import reviewer flow was not populating the invite link for new users in the email they would receive. 
    • We have fixed a bug in which users were experiencing a 500 error when trying to submit a final report phase.
    • We have removed the Boolean question type from the toolbox in GOmanager. Going forward, we recommend you use the radio button or checkbox question types in places where you might have used Boolean.
    • We have fixed a bug in which the GOapply Submission Error email activities did not have a Regarding To set, making it difficult to determine which Status Tracking Record failed submission.
    • We have fixed a bug in which, when Show to the applicant is set to false, the question still appears in the reviewer PDF. When Show to the applicant is false, the question will be hidden from the reviewer PDF, even if Hide from reviewer is also false.
    • GOapply Reviewer:
      • We have fixed a bug in which the Special Request Status was not clearing out after the request was no longer in review.
  • Enhancements
    • GOapply Reviewer: 
      • Reviewers will now receive an email once all their reviews are complete. When the Reviews Complete field on Reviewer flips to Yes, an email will send based on the Email Template ‘GOapply – Reviewer Complete Thank You’. Please see the GOapply Reviewer Admin Guide for more information.



  • Bug Fixes
    • We have fixed a bug in which the GOfund Spendable amount was being reduced twice for the same grant. Because of this, the GOfund Spendable field will look for updates every time a Request from the fund is updated.
    • We have fixed a bug in which, when creating a recurring grant recommendation, the recommender info was not populating in the request (Process tab). 
    • GOfund grant recommendations for recurring grants (scheduled distributions) did not include a PDF of the recommendation details when the user did not specify an End Date for the recurrence.
  • Enhancements
    • We have added explanatory text below the Spendable balance in the Fund Summary that reads, “This is the available amount to spend less any pending recommendations and payments in the process."



  • Enhancements
    • Donors will now have the option to cover the fee for their donation. This is controlled by settings in GOdonate Settings. Please see the GOdonate Admin Guide for more information.
    • In GOdonate Settings, your organization now has the option to turn "off" interests (fund categories) in your GOdonate site. On deployment of this item, interests (fund categories) will be ON though the field will show as null (no choice selected). Please see the GOdonate Admin Guide for more information.
    • We have added an email address field to the dedication section of donations. This will be the email address of the person who should be notified of the dedication. The email address will then map to the GOdonate Transaction and corresponding Gift record. 


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