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Creating Business Rules



This article will cover what a Business Rule is, where to create a Business Rule, and how to create and publish a Business Rule.
  • What is a Business Rule
  • How to create a Business Rule


  What is a Business Rule?

A Business Rule is a code-free way to apply conditional logic within akoyaGO.

Business Rules are composed of Conditions and Actions. An example of a Business Rule is If Grant Type = Scholarship, make Applicant Not Required.

Conditions refer to logic that defines when the corresponding actions should be applied. Actions are what will happen when the logic is met. Actions can be applied to one field each and include the following:

  • Recommend an Action
  • Lock/Unlock 
  • Set Visibility
  • Set Business Required
  • Set not Business Required
  • Set Default Value
  • Set Field Value

Each Business Rule is associated with a single table (or entity) in akoyaGO. This means the condition and action cannot span across more than one table. For example, a Business Rule could not be created where the condition is on the Request table and action is on Payment, or where the condition is on the Donor record and action is on the gift. Both conditions and actions must take place on the same table.

Business Rules are made up of at least one condition and one action, but they can have multiple of each. Business Rule actions can apply to one field each.

Important: Business Rules cannot be used on multi-select fields


  How to Create a Business Rule

1. Go to Power Apps ( 

2. Select your foundation's akoyaGO Environment.


3. Go to Tables, and find the table where you would like to create a Business Rule.



Important: You must be an akoyaGO admin and have the akoyaGO Customizer role to access Power Apps.

4. Once in Business Rules, click +New.

5. Edit the name by clicking the arrow at the top of the page and assigning a Business Rule name.

6. Add components to the work area. A Text View will appear defining the logic of the rule you build in words.

7. Create conditions by clicking the step and editing the Properties in the sidebar.


8. Click +new to add more clauses to the logic. You can specify if it is an AND or an OR logic. Business Rules need at least one condition.

9. Select the action you would like to assign. You can add actions by dragging the actions from the Components tab of the sidebar or by clicking the +Add button at the top.


10. Once you have added your Action step, click the step and define the properties for that step in the sidebar.

11. Review the logic and completed Business Rule. Make sure to click Activate at the top. This Business Rule will not be active until you click Activate. 


12. Test your condition in akoyaGO CRM to confirm the rule acts as you expect. If changes are needed, the Business rule must be deactivated to edit.