Install the BCO akoyaGO GOmanager User Connector Azure AD Enterprise Applicaiton
Start PowerShell with administrator privileges, open Task Manager and select File -> Run new task:
Graphical user interface, application<br><br>Description automatically generated

Type in “powershell” and check the checkbox highlighted:
Graphical user interface, text, application<br><br>Description automatically generated

Run this command in PowerShell:
(Note the script will check to make sure you have the proper PowerShell modules installed and will ask you log in. Use tenant’s credentials that have admin rights else the script will fail.)

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
The script will look like this when run and completed successfully:
Text<br><br>Description automatically generated
When the script is done, will say “Done.”.
Copy and paste the URL (noted in red) in a browser that is logged into the tenant to grant consent. The URL will be automatically generated for each tenant.
If done correctly, you will see this consent dialog:

When consent is granted correctly, the browser will redirect to the akoyaGO home page.
You are done.