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Recurring Gifts




  Creating a Recurring Gifts CRM Process Workflow with a Workflow Template

1. All akoyaGO clients will have the “Recurring Gifts” Template saved in their system. To customize the flow to fit your needs you will need to navigate to this template. You will only need to follow these steps one time.

2. Click on the Settings Gear in the upper right-hand corner and select Advanced Settings.
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Using the dropdown arrow, change the area from the default (Administration) to Processes.

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4. Using the dropdown arrow, change the view to “All Process Templates
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5. Check the box next to “Recurring Gift” and click the Activate button in the top ribbon.


  Customizing the Recurring Gifts Workflow

You can customize the process to fit your needs now that the template has been activated.

1. Click on the New button in the top ribbon of options.
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2. Enter the following information:
  • Process Name- “Recurring Gifts”
  • Category - Workflow
  • Entity- Gift Payment
3. Ensure that the “Run workflow in background” is check marked.

Select “New process from an existing template”.

Select the “Recurring Gift” template and click OK.


*It may take a minute for the creation process to complete. 
6. This will create a new CRM Process (Workflow) that you can customize if needed.


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7. Check the workflow steps and see if there is anything you would like to customize, especially on the Create Gift step.

Click Set Properties to review all fields that will be filled in on the recurring Gift that will be created. Edit as needed.

Once you have reviewed the workflow and made any customizations you would like, click Activate to turn it on.

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Please note if a gift is marked recurring and this workflow has not been created and activated, no recurring gifts and gift payments will be auto-created.


  Entering a Recurring Gift

Once you have created and activated the CRM Process, you can begin entering recurring gifts. Recurring gifts can be entered for donors who regularly give the same amount bi-weekly, monthly, semi-monthly, or quarterly. The gift and gift payment will be automatically created based on the recurrence you choose.

Go the Donor Management workspace and choose the Donors & Prospects entity.

Search for the Donor who will be giving the recurring gift.

Open the Donor record.

4. Go to the Gifts tab.

Choose + New Gift. This will open the Gift Quick Create Form.

6. Enter all Gift information. In the Payment Details section, you can set Recurrence. Recurring Gifts and Gift Payments will be created based on the recurrence you select. Save and Close.

7. To stop the recurring gifts from being auto-created, set the Recurrence on the last gift created back to "None."