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Merging Duplicates for Donor Records



Identify and manage duplicate records for Donors by reassigning all associated records to the preferred Donor record and deactivating the duplicate donor records.

  Identify Duplicate Donor Records and Mark for Deactivation

Since Donor records are linked with many other types of records that need to be reassigned manually, it is recommended that you address them individually as you come across duplicates for Donors.

1. Once you have identified two or more records to be merged into one Master record, clearly note which records will be deactivated. This is particularly important when the formal default names are the same. Open each of the duplicate donor records that will be deactivated and add the word DUPLICATE or OLD to the end of the existing formal default name and save. This step is not necessary if the Master Donor record can be easily identified by clear differences in the formal default name field.

2. Enter or update any missing data in the Master from the other records such as contact information.

3. Copy the formal default for the Donor record Master. This can be used to paste in the next steps.


  Reassign Gifts to Master Donor

Gifts associated with duplicate records marked for deactivation need to be reassigned to the correct Donor (Master).

1. Navigate to the first Donor record marked for deactivation.


2. In the gifts tab, all associated gifts found in the Gifts by Donor sub grid will need to be reassigned. To reassign the correct Donor to each of the gifts, edit in Excel online is necessary. Select the ellipsis>export Gifts > Export Gifts in Excel Online. If the gift has been selected in this view, the online option for export to Excel will not appear as an option.

3. In the Donor column of the Excel online document, type or paste EXACTLY as it appears in akoyaGO, the formal default of the Master Donor record. Do this for all rows of Gifts. Save.


  Reassign Gifts Payments to Master Donor

Gift Payments that are associated with duplicate records marked for deactivation need to be reassigned to the correct Donor (Master).

1. Back in the first Donor record marked for deactivation, in the gifts tab, all associated gifts payments found in the All Gift Payments w/Fund sub grid will need to be reassigned. To reassign the correct Donor to each of the gift payments, edit in Excel online is necessary. Select the ellipsis >export Gift Payments > Export Gift Payments in Excel Online.




2. In the Donor column of the Excel online document, type or paste EXACTLY as it appears in akoyaGO, the formal default of the Master Donor record. Do this for all rows of Gift Payments. Save.


  Reassign Referrals to Master Donor

Referrals that are associated with duplicate records marked for deactivation need to be reassigned to the correct Donor (Master).

1. Back in the first Donor record marked for deactivation, referrals may also need to be reassigned to the Donor record to be kept. Look for referrals on the Gift tab > Referrals subgrid. You may also need to look in Related tab > Referrals. To reassign the correct Referral to each of the gift payments, edit in Excel online is necessary. Select the ellipsis>export Referrals > Export Referrals in Excel Online.



2. In the Donor column of the Excel online document, type or paste EXACTLY as it appears in akoyaGO, the formal default of the Master Donor record. Do this for all rows of Referrals. Save.


  Reassign Donor Opportunities to Master Donor

Donor Opportunities associated with duplicate records marked for deactivation need to be reassigned to the correct Donor (Master).

1. Back in the first Donor record marked for deactivation, navigate to the gifts tab. All associated gift payments found in the All Gift Payments w/Fund subgrid will need to be reassigned. To reassign the correct Donor to each gift payment, edit in Excel online is necessary. Select the ellipsis>export Gift Payments > Export Gift Payments in Excel Online.




2. In the Donor column of the Excel online document, type or paste EXACTLY as it appears in akoyaGO, the formal default of the Donor record that is to be kept. Do this for all rows of Gift Payments. Save.

  Check for Connections and Reproduce for Master Donor or Contact

1. Back in the first Donor record marked for deactivation, navigate to the Details Tab.

2. Select the connection > ellipsis > Deactivate.


3. From the Master record, recreate these connections from the details tab + New Connection.

Important: Disassociating all Gifts, Gift Payments, Referrals, Donor Opportunities, and Connections and reassigning them to the correct Formal Default Donor ensures that all activity now rolls up to the Donor record that you intend to keep.

  Deactivate Donor Records After Reassigning Associated Records

Once the above steps are completed to Assign the correct Donor to all associated records within the duplicates, the duplicate donor records can be deactivated. It is recommended that you deactivate rather than delete because a deactivated donor can easily be reactivated as needed. Deleted records are not easily recoverable.

1. On the confirmed duplicate (marked as OLD or DUPLICATE within Step 1 above, you may select Deactivate from the top ribbon. 

2. Confirm yes.


Repeat the above steps for additional duplicates of the Master record. 


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