



1096 reporting in business central


Form 1096 is used to transmit paper tax forms to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States. This feature lets you run the Form 1096 report in Business Central and send it to the IRS, if necessary. The feature is only related to already transmitted 1099 paper forms.

important things to consider


1096 Form reporting supports only the IRS codes supported for 1099 Form reporting in Business Central. If you add manually other IRS codes to the 1096 Form lines, those codes will not be printed on the report.



Enable the 1096 feature  

 1. Search for "Feature Management"

2. Locate "Feature: Enable using Form 1096 to transmit paper Tax Forms to the IRS in the United States"

3. Set Enabled For value to "All Users"

4. Search for "purchases and payables setup"

5. Under the Number Series section, select the drop down for 1096 Form No. Series (You may need to select "Show More" if this field is not visible)

6. Select +New

7. Create a Number Series. Suggested values are:

  • Code: 1096
  • Description: 1096 Report
  • Starting No.: 000001
  • Ending No: 999999
  • Starting Date: 1/1/2024

Note: Ensure the Default Nos. box is marked

8. Return to the dashboard in Business Central

9. Select the Setup menu, then choose Company Settings


10. Ensure the EIN Number is filled in under the Communication section


Generate 1096 Forms 

 1. Search for "1096 Forms"

2. Under the Process menu, choose Create Forms

3. Enter the Starting Date and Ending Date values.

4. If you have previously generated forms and have made corrections, choose Replace to overwrite the previously generated forms.

5. Select OK


Print 1096 Forms 

1. Select the 1096 form to be printed.

2. If the Status is is Open, choose Release

3. Choose Print. If you do not have a value in the IRS Contact No on the Company Information