
v 1.1 ; 1/9/24

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Record Second Refund to A Request Payment

The Reverse a Grant process can only run once per Request Payment. If additional refunds are received, they need to be manually added to Business Central.


General Journal Entry

  1. Open the Default General Journal by navigating to Finance>General Journals, and then selecting the Default journal.
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  2. Start by entering a posting date equal to the date the refund should be posted to the fund (green). Enter the Undeposited Funds account as the Bal. Account Number (red)
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  1. The Account (red), Fund (green), Posting Description (pink), and Function (blue) from the Request Payment will fill Account Number, Fund, Description, and Function in the general journal entry.
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  2. The Memo (blue) describes the transaction and should indicate this is a reversal entry (Memo’s typically provide the detail/description used on Fund Statements). The Amount (pink) is the amount being refunded expressed as a credit. Payment Number (red) and Gift/Request (green) come from the Payment/Requirement # and Request # listed on the Request Payment. The Payment No. should be prefixed with “RPMT-“ and preceded with a "-1".
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  3. When ready, Post the adjustment.
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  4. The amount will be added to the Undeposited Funds list and be available to deposit following your organization’s normal deposit processes.


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Update the ReqUEST PAYMENT

The Request Payment fields Payment Status and Reversal Amount are locked automatically after processing the first Refund. Contact or submit a case in the GOsupport portal requesting these fields be updated to the appropriate values.
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