eGrant to goapply Implementation Guide
Thank you for choosing GOapply as your Grant/Scholarship Management software. This guide is geared towards foundations who have used eGrant and are looking to transition to GOapply. Please note, you must use akoyaGO CRM to efficiently implement GOapply and Reviewer. The eGrant portal and server will sunset 12/31/24, all applications and attachments must be rebuilt or relocated prior to the sunset date.   

Complete the eGrant > GOapply Questionnaire



The questionnaire form will help our team prepare the scope of work and estimate for building applications in GOapply. Completing this form will also give your team the chance to evaluate your current processes and brainstorm any changes you would like to make.  


Complete the form here:


Internal application and process review


Before you meet with Tech Services, we encourage you to review your current applications and their processes. Questions for consideration - Do you want to change verbiage in your questions? Do you want to add or remove a portion of your application process? What documents are you asking for from your applicants and what format do you like them in?  


The Tech Services team will build applications in GOapply based on the drafts you provide. Now is the time to make changes and improvements to your process so that they can be included in the initial build.  



Meet with akoyaGO AM and Tech Rep to discuss your GOapply build


After your team has submitted the questionnaire and reviewed your applications/processes, you are ready to meet with Tech Services to scope your GOapply build. In this meeting, we will ask clarifying questions about your applications (opportunities) and phases to be developed in GOapply and Reviewer. This is the time to discuss your goal completion dates and overall project timeline.  


Following this meeting you will receive a New Work Scope & Estimate for review and approval.  



approve new work scope and estimate to confirm your project timeline


Once the New Work Scope & Estimate is approved and signed, the project can begin. Our Tech Services team will confirm your project timeline and get started on the build. As the GOapply applications, phases, and mapping are constructed, the Tech Rep will contact you with any questions or concerns.  


During the construction stage of the GOapply build, it is important to limit any change requests. If you have changes to your project that will adjust the scope of work, please contact your Tech Rep as soon as possible. Any changes to the scope of work could result in additional billable time and could affect your project timeline. All billable changes will be presented as an addendum to your Scope & Estimate document.  



Review and test GOapply processes once build is complete


Upon completion of your GOapply build, the Tech Rep will contact you to begin staff review and testing. We will provide you with your GOapply details and next steps for reviewing the built applications.  


We encourage foundation staff to test the application process as if you were applying for this opportunity. This is a good time to visualize the cycle from GOapply à akoyaGO CRM à payout process. Getting comfortable with submitting, reviewing, and processing data from GOapply will help your team become more confident when helping applicants.  


This is a great time to utilize GOapply Resources in GOsupport. If any questions or concerns arise while you are testing, please contact your Tech Rep to address your concerns.  



Project sign off and go live!


Within your project timeline, please complete testing and sign-off once your scope of work is complete. This will help us stay on track with the project timelines concurrent with and after you. Post sign-off, any additional changes to your GOapply applications/phases/mapping can be made by your designated GOapply editor/manager. If you would like Tech Services to make changes after the project sign-off, a new Scope & Estimate will be provided.  


Once your sign-off is complete, you can share your GOapply links and opportunities with your communities as you see fit. Any questions or concerns after sign-off should be submitted and addressed as a Support case.  



GOapply training and resources


As you start using GOapply, we recommend using GOsupport Knowledge Base and Forums to help build comfortability in the software. We will also be hosting group training sessions each quarter to help teach and refresh GOapply users.  


Attending bi-monthly User Group sessions is another great way to learn about GOapply from peers and colleagues also using the software. If you can’t find a resource to help, as always please submit a Support case and follow up by letting us know what documentation would be helpful.  

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