



Godonate Implementation testing Checklist


For complete instructions, please use the GOdonate Admin guide


Stripe Account Test Mode


Before you begin testing GOdonate, be sure to put your Stripe account in test mode. This will allow you to test donations without hitting your actual bank account. 


The test mode toggle can be found in the upper right corner of the screen.




Stripe provides documentation on test mode and test credit card info that you can use:


Test 1: View the home page


Is the home page satisfactory? Will it meet your organization’s or donor’s needs?

Test 2: View/Search the fund catalog


View the fund catalog. Verify:

  1. There are 18 funds per page
  2. You can page through all enabled funds 


Keyword search the fund catalog. Verify that the search returns expected results. 


Test 3: Filter the fund catalog 


Use the categories filter in the Fund catalog. Verify that the number of funds changes according to their assigned interests.

Test 4: View a fund card 


Verify that:

  1. You can open and view the fund card
  2. The fund name is displayed 
  3. The fund image (or default image) is displayed


Keep in mind that the fund card can contain any field on fund (including custom fields). If the field on that fund does not contain data, it will be left off the fund card. 

Test 5: Contact us


Click the Contact Us menu option and verify that contact info is displayed in accordance with your GOdonate settings. 

Test 6: Make a donation as a non-registered user


Without logging in or creating an account, make a donation.

Please verify:

  1. The donor gets a confirmation email
  2. A GOdonate transaction record was created with a gift and the info you input in the donation.
  3. The GOdonate transaction record gets pulled into a view called GOdonate Transactions for review (CRM > GOdonate Transactions entity).

Test 7: Register an account


You will get an email asking you to verify your email address. 

Test 8: Sign in


Verify you can successfully log in as a registered user.

Test 9: Make a donation as a logged in user


As a logged in user, make a donation. Please verify that:

  1. You are able to see the Donor(s) associated with your contact (If a new contact, no donors will exist yet.)
  2. If you created a new donor, that that donor got added to the CRM
  3. The GOdonate Transaction record is created, contains all the details you input in the checkout form
  4. A Gift is populated as well as a gift payment 
  5. You receive a confirmation email from a customizable email template. 

Test 10: Make a donation with secondary contact on donor


Find or create a donor with a secondary contact. Verify that: 

  1. When logged in as the donor’s primary contact, you can choose that donor in the donation checkout
  2. The email address associated with the secondary contact gets the confirmation email. 

Test 11: Make a donation with a designated purpose and/or memory/honor


Please verify that:

  1. The information you input in the donation checkout appears where appropriate (i.e. GOdonate transaction record, gift, or gift payment)

Test 12: Make an anonymous Donation


Check the box to make your donation anonymous. Verify that,

  1. It is marked anonymous in the gift/gift payment record.  

Test 13: View your donation history


As a logged in user who has confirmed your email, view your donation history. Verify you can see your history and filter by posting date. If you have not confirmed your email, donation history should not be visible to you.

Test 14: Export Donation History


Export to PDF. Verify a PDF successfully downloads with the date filters you set and is in landscape orientation.

Test 15: Change your password


Click on your user in the top right corner and change your password. Log out and back in with your new password. 

Test 16: Forgot Password


Use the forgot password link on the sign in page to change your password.