
Campaigns and quick campaigns



akoyaGO allows you to create Campaign records that help you organize your efforts for marketing projects over a period of time. Campaigns are also designed to provide insight into your return on investment for each campaign. They allow you to track campaign spending and response, so you know exactly how effective your marketing efforts are.  

The campaign record gives you a place to keep track of any activities involved in a campaign, such as emails, phone calls, and other activities that are distributed. You can also add planning activities to a campaign. 
After you distribute your campaign emails, letters, and phone calls, you can code gifts with Campaign Activities that are associated to your Campaign to help track donor engagement. 


Elements of a campaign


The Campaign record is a place to associate all the different elements of your marketing efforts for a specific project, from planning activities to your target marketing lists, to emails, phone calls, and letters you’ll be sending out, as well as any campaign responses you might receive. 

Here is what the campaign record looks like: 


Campaign Activities: Think of campaign activities as touch points to your stakeholders that are distributed. They can be phone calls, appointments, emails or letters. They are distributed to members of any marketing lists associated with the campaign. You cannot distribute a campaign activity unless there is a marketing list associated with that activity. 

Tip! Constituent and Contact records may indicate contact preferences that can prevent your campaign activity from being distributed. For instance, if a customer on your marketing list has Do Not Allow for the Bulk Email contact preference, they will not receive bulk email campaign activities. 

Campaign Responses: Once you have distributed a campaign activity, you can start to collect the results of that activity as Campaign Responses. Think of them as recording interest in what we are marketing. Campaign responses can be created a number of ways: 
  • You can create them manually. 
  • You can open a distributed campaign activity record and promote it to a response. 
  • You can import responses using the data import wizard. 
  • If you have email tracking enabled, you can use mail merge to automatically generate email campaign responses. 
Tip! Once you’ve built a campaign, you can copy it as a Campaign Template to re-use for similar campaigns. 

Planning Activities: Planning activities are tasks you can add that are intended to help you organize and operate your campaign. Examples of planning activities could include tasks such as: 
  • Organizing a meeting with key stakeholders for a marketing project 
  • Lining up a venue for an event 
  • Preparing promotional materials 
  • Ordering brochures from a vendor 
  • Creating target marketing lists.


planning and executing your marketing campaign


Generally, these are the broad steps you should follow when creating akoyaGO campaigns: 
  1. Create a campaign record. This will be where you will associate marketing lists, planning activities,
          and campaign activities. 
  1. Create planning tasks, if needed. 
  1. Create campaign activities, such as emails, phone calls or appointments. 
  1. Add marketing lists that you will be distributing campaign activities to. 


working with campaigns and quick campaigns


Quick Campaign in akoyaGO is a single activity distributed to a list of Contacts or Constituents. A quick campaign can be created from an advanced find or a marketing list. The activities can be assigned to the owners of the stakeholder records, to a team, a single individual, or added to a Queue

Here’s a comparison of Campaigns vs. Quick Campaigns



creating a campaign

  1. Go to the navigation bar to the Donor Management workplace in akoyaGO 
  1. Click Campaigns in the side bar navigation pane
  1. In the command bar, click New
  1. Fill out the information in the Summary section of the form. This will typically include name, campaign type, goal, proposed begin/end dates, and more details as you need. 

  1. If you will be tracking your campaign costs, click Details to see the Financial section of the form and fill out information such as allocated budget and miscellaneous costs.

  1. When you are finished entering details for your campaign, click Save and Close. 


adding marketing list to your campaign

  1. Enter your Marketing List to be used with this Campaign by clicking the ellipsis  in the Marketing List sub grid and chose Add Existing Marketing List > Search for the Marketing List(s) you want to add, you can add multiple Marketing Lists. 


When you have all selected click Add. You will need to confirm the addition, you can choose to add to the campaign only or to campaign and campaign activities, make your selection click Add


Adding campaign activities

  1. Navigate to the Donor Management workplace. 
  1. Click Campaigns in the left navigation pane. 
  1. Open the campaign you want to add activities to. 
  1. Under the Campaign Activities sub-grid on the right-hand side of the form, click icon, then add the new activity. If you do not see the + click on the ellipsis  Enter your activity details in the form. When you’re done, click Save.
  2. Add a Marketing List to your Campaign Activity.  On the right-hand side of the Marketing List sub grid click on the ellipsis Add Existing Marketing List


  1. Search for the Marketing List you want, you may add multiple Marketing List if you wish.


Distributing campaign activities

  1. Navigate to the Fundraising workplace in the left navigation pane. 
  1. Click Campaigns
  1. Open the campaign you want to work with. 
  1. In the Campaign form, locate the Campaign Activity you wish to distribute. 
  1. Click Distribute Campaign Activity in the command bar. 

  1. Fill out the appropriate details of your activity. If you have an email template ready to send, you can click Use Template at the top. 
  1. When you are ready, click Distribute. 


Creating a campaign template

  1. Navigate to the Donor Management workplace in the left navigation pane, click Campaigns, and select New Template from the command bar. 
  1. Fill out the appropriate information for your campaign template. 
  1. As always, click Save when you are finished. 
You can also create a campaign template from a campaign you’ve already created. To do this: 
  1. Open a campaign that you would like to turn into a template. 
  2. Click Copy as a Template in the command bar.
  1. This will open a new record that will look much like your original campaign record. Enter a name for your campaign template. It’s a good idea to have “Template” in the name so you don’t get it confused with your actual campaigns 

  1. Click off the field or click the Save Icon on the bottom right of the screen. Your template will appear in your campaign view. 


creating a quick campaign


There are two ways you can create a quick campaign: from a list of records, or from a marketing list. 
Creating a Quick Campaign from a List of Records 
  1. Navigate to a list of Constituents or Contacts that you want to distribute your campaign to. 
  1. Highlight the records you wish to have the campaign distributed to. 
  1. Click on the … or More Options menu in the command bar. 
  1. Click on Quick Campaign and choose the appropriate option to launch wizard. Follow the steps in the Quick Campaign Wizard


Creating a Quick Campaign from a Marketing List 

  1. Click on Fundraising workplace in the navigation bar 
  1. Select Marketing Lists
  1. Choose the list you want to distribute your campaign to. 
  1. Click on Create Quick Campaign in the command bar. 

  1. Follow the steps in the Quick Campaign Wizard.


Recording campaign responses


entering campaign activities on gifts

  1. When entering a Gift use the Campaign Activity field to select a previously created Campaign Activity that this gift is a direct response to.


  1. The Campaign Activity field is a lookup field, meaning you will need complete a search to find the appropriate Campaign Activity record to associate with this Gift. The asterisk (*) symbol should be entered in front of your search term to expand the results.

  1. Once a Campaign Activity has been selected complete Gift data entry as normal.


recording a non-gift campaign response


Gifts are not the only responses that can be made in response to Campaigns and Campaign Activities. 
  1. Locate a specific Campaign you want to record the response for.
  2. Go to Campaign Responses, click the ellipsis , New Campaign Response

  1. Enter your Subject, Customer (which is a look up to Contacts & Constituents)
  2. Click the drop down for Response Code chose the type of response
  3. Enter any additional details concerning the response and Save & Close when complete.