v 2.1 ; 8/22/2023
Data entry basics
This guide will cover the basics of creating most records in akoyaGO.
- Utilizing the Dataverse Search & Quick Search
- Adding New Records
- Selecting a Lookup Value
- Business Process Flows
- Creating Constituent and Contact Records
searching for records
Utilizing the Dataverse search bar will pull results from across multiple tables (aka entities) in your CRM. This is a broader search that returns more results, as it searches for active records across multiple tables. We recommend starting any search with this option.
Before creating a new record, confirm that one has not already been created by performing a Dataverse Search.
To look for a specific record within a View, you can utilize the Quick Search. The Quick search box is limited to the View you are on.
There is also an option to use a wildcard asterisk in the Quick Search to expand your results. You do not need to utilize the wildcard asterisk in the dataverse search.
For example, if you search “Arts” in the Quick Search from the Active Constituents System View, your results would filter to Active Constituents beginning with that exact term (i.e. Arts & Culture Center.) However, if you search “ *Arts,” your results would include records that contains that term anywhere, just not those that begin with it (i.e. Cultural Arts Center.)
adding new records
Click on +New in the Command Bar.
This will open a form for the entity you are in.
- Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required. Field with a blue plus sign (+) are recommended
- Fields with a lock icon (
) cannot be edited by a user. Lookup fields with this icon are still clickable (to view the lookup record) but cannot be edited.
- Click in a date field to reveal the calendar icon, which can be used to select a date.
- For two-option fields, click once to select a value. Click again to change the value.
- Hover your mouse over the field label for a description of that data field.
- Double-click on a web address to open the website, or an e-mail address to compose a new message.
Selecting a Lookup value
Some fields on a form are what is called a lookup. This means they will look-up to another record in akoyaGO.
To select a lookup value, click on the field, then click on the magnifying glass icon. This will populate a list of the most recently visited records. To further define your search, you can:
- Enter a search term in the field before clicking the magnifying glass to see a filtered list.
- Change your View to search another view for directly in the search box.
- If you don’t see your record with either of the above method, you can create a new record.
If you select a lookup value and decide to change it, you need to delete the current value in the field. Click the x next to value you want to replace to delete it. If you click the value itself, you will navigate to that entity.
Business Process Flows
Some forms have business process flows to aid in entering data. They control the order data is entered and ensure data integrity.
- A process flow stage with a check mark (
) is complete
- A stage with a dot in the middle (
) is the current stage. You need to complete that stage and press Next Stage to validate the data entered and move onto the next stage
- Stages that are grey circles (
) are not ready and should not be used until the steps before them are complete
creating constituent and contact records
The Constituent record is home to all the vital information about any organizations or vendors that interact with your foundation. An easy way to remember this is that Constituents are buildings. They are places, not people.
The Contact record is where all information about a specific contact (person) resides.
Each Constituent is required to have a Primary Contact. A Primary Contact is the person that you would consider the most essential contact to that Constituent.
On each Contact Record, there is a field for Primary Constituent. While not required, filling this in will link the Contact record to the Constituent record.
Note: Adding a Primary Contact to a Constituent Record does not assign that Constituent as the Primary Constituent on that Contact Record.