
v. 2.1 ; 06/23/2023






For G/L accounts that are used for payments/deposits, a Bank Account should be specified.

Add a G/L Account


Navigate to Accounts in akoyaGO CRM.  Choose the Fund Management Workplace, then select Accounts.  Select +New.

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Enter the account information (Unique Account # and Account Name) and click Save & Close (Note: Asset account numbers should always be between 1000 and 1999).


In Business Central, navigate to Finance>Chart of Accounts and open the newly added G/L Account.


Disable Direct Posting to the G/L Account.


Add a Bank Account


In Business Central, select Cash Management, then choose Bank Accounts (Alternately, use the magnifying glass to search for “Bank Accounts”).  Click +New.

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In the General section, enter a No. (abbreviated name) and Name for the Bank Account.

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Scroll to the Posting section (if needed, select “Show more” to expand the form). Drop down the Bank Acc. Posting Group menu and choose +New. 

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Enter a Code (a short name, usually the account name) for the posting group, then enter the G/L Account that corresponds to the bank account you’ve created.  


Enter the appropriate G/L Account No in the Undeposited Funds Account No. (commonly "1999" or "19999"; verify in your chart of accounts) and click OK. 

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NOTE: Each Bank Account must have a unique Posting Group. More than one Posting Group can share a G/L Account.


For accounts that will be used for check printing, enter a value in the Last Check No. field. This will be the last check number used in your physical check stock.

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