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goapply: prefill/read-back data

This article covers steps to allow applicants to see information from akoyaGO CRM in the GOapply UI. This feature is helpful for later reporting phases to remind the applicant of their previous answers, requested grant amount, etc. You can also use this feature to display data from the Request record that foundation staff entered in akoyaGO, such as Original Grant Amount. 


How to display data from akoyaGO CRM in the GOapply UI for applicants based on data in akoyaGO CRM:

1. Open the GOapply area in akoyaGO CRM
2. Select the Opportunity you would like to edit

Select the application to open the record

3. Click on Phases in this Application

Click on Phases in this Application

4. Click on the Phase you would like to add prefilled data to.

    Please note the Request record in akoyaGO CRM must already exist in order to display data from akoyaGO CRM in the GOapply UI, so you should not choose the first phase of the application.
Click on Interim Report (or final report, if that is the one you choose to modify)

5. Click on Form Editor

Click on Form Editor

6. From your toolbox, drag a single input or comment question into the form builder
Drag a single input or comment question into the form builder







Note: you would use 'Single Input' if you are showing data that is no longer than 1 sentence. For example: Requested Amount, Begin Date, End Date, Title, etc. You would use 'Comment' if you are showing data that is more than 1 sentence. For example: Purpose, Project Description, Collaboration, etc.

7. Type the name of your question
Type in the name of your question

8. In the following example, we will be mapping to the "Requested Amount" field, so the applicant can see the amount of the grant that they requested in an earlier phase.

9. Click on Properties
Click on Properties

10. Click on akoyaGO
Click on AkoyaGO

11. Click on Request from Target entity dropdown

Click on Request from Target entity dropdown

12. Click on Requested Amount (or any Request field you are choosing) from Target field dropdown

Click on Requested Amount from Target field dropdown

IMPORTANT: if you DO NOT want the applicant to be able to modify the data in this field in akoyaGO CRM, toggle on the "Read Only" option in the properties of the question. If you do not set this question to Read Only and the Overwrite Field checkbox in the akoyaGO section is selected, the applicant will edit the existing data in akoyaGO CRM. Whatever they enter will be mapped back to the request record in the CRM and overwrite the existing data. 

13. Check Read only if you want the information displayed to the applicant only (aka they should not be able to edit the data in akoyaGO CRM.) 

Check  Read only

In the next example, we want to show the Title of the application to the applicant.

1. From your toolbox, drag a single input question into the form builder and name your question. In this example, I am naming it "Request-Title"

2. Click on the question Request - Title

Click on Request - Title text


3. Click on Properties

Click on Properties

4. Check Read only
Again, I am choosing to check "Read only" because I do not want the applicant to be able to modify the Title of the request record in my CRM. I only want to display the title to them.

Check  Read only


  1. Map the field. Click on akoyaGO

Click on AkoyaGO
  1. Choose Request from Target entity dropdown

Click on Request from Target entity dropdown
  1. Click on Title (or whatever field you are mapping to) from Target field dropdown

Click on Title from Target field dropdown

In the next example, we will show the Purpose of the grant that the applicant put into Phase 1 of their grant application.

Since this is likely to be a longer answer with more data to show, best practice would be to drag in a "Comment" type of question from the toolbox.

  1. Name your question. In this example, I am naming it "Request - Purpose"
Name your question. In this example, I am simply naming it "Request - Purpose"

  1. Click on Properties

Click on Properties
  1. Check Read only

Note: if you want the applicant to be able to modify the data and overwrite the existing data in your CRM, you do not need to set this to Read Only. 
Check  Read only

4. Click on AkoyaGO
Click on AkoyaGO

5. Click on Request from Target entity dropdown and Purpose from the Target Field dropdown

Click on Request from Target entity dropdown

Be sure to save your work!

Click on Save



In summary, the prefill data feature is commonly used for two scenarios:

1. To display information from akoyaGO CRM to the user as read only. This information is for the GOapply user's information only, and they cannot edit the existing data in akoyaGO CRM. An example of this would be displaying the Original Grant Amount in a Report phase. We want the GOapply user to see how much they were awarded, but we do not want them to be able to change this data in akoyaGO CRM. 

2. To allow the GOapply user to update data that the entered in earlier phases. This information is displayed to the GOapply user, but they can edit the existing data in akoyaGO CRM. An example of this would be displaying a Purpose that was entered during an LOI Phase again in an Application Phase. The GOapply user can update this information if it changed between their LOI and Application submission. For this example, I would not set the question to Read Only.


*Important note - if you update the data in akoyaGO CRM after the user begins this phase, the updated data will only display if the question in GOapply is marked Read Only. If the question is not marked Read Only and you update data in akoyaGO CRM after the user begins the phase, they will not see the updated change in the GOapply UI.